Mark N. Grant: Inching Through the Sunsplendid Dust - Sharla Nafziger, Elizabeth Farnum, Jorge Caballero, Stephen Gosling, Lydia Kavina, Carol Wilson, Celine Gay des Combes, Julia Koo, David Hopkins, Marika Hughes, Elizabeth Rodgers, Judy Hinschman, Virgil Blackwell & Jennifer Ahn

Mark N. Grant: Inching Through the Sunsplendid Dust

Sharla Nafziger, Elizabeth Farnum, Jorge Caballero, Stephen Gosling, Lydia Kavina, Carol Wilson, Celine Gay des Combes, Julia Koo, David Hopkins, Marika Hughes, Elizabeth Rodgers, Judy Hinschman, Virgil Blackwell & Jennifer Ahn

  • Genre: Klassik
  • Veroeffentlungs Datum: 2012-05-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Land: DEU
  • Lieder Zaehler: 8

  • ℗ 2012 Albany Records


Titel Kuenstler Laenge
Auto da fé Julia Koo, Carol Wilson, Marika Hughes, Jennifer Ahn, David Hopkins, Judy Hinschman, Elizabeth Rodgers, Celine Gay des Combes, Virgil Blackwell & Barbara Allen 19:14
Alba: The Lover's Departure at Jorge Caballero 12:25
Bird of Paradise Lydia Kavina 7:52
The Book of Illuminations: The Stephen Gosling, Elizabeth Farnum & Sharla Nafziger 4:31
The Book of Illuminations: The Sharla Nafziger, Elizabeth Farnum & Stephen Gosling 7:48
The Book of Illuminations: The Elizabeth Farnum, Sharla Nafziger & Stephen Gosling 5:13
The Book of Illuminations: The Sharla Nafziger, Elizabeth Farnum & Stephen Gosling 10:06
The Book of Illuminations: The Elizabeth Farnum, Sharla Nafziger & Stephen Gosling 5:08