Schütz: The Great Motets - Pro Cantione Antiqua, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Restoration Academy, English Consort of Viols & Edgar Fleet

Schütz: The Great Motets

Pro Cantione Antiqua, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Restoration Academy, English Consort of Viols & Edgar Fleet

  • Genre: Klassik
  • Veroeffentlungs Datum: 2010-09-14
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Land: DEU
  • Lieder Zaehler: 12

  • ℗ 2010 Musical Concepts


Titel Kuenstler Laenge
Hodie Christus natus est, SWV Paul Esswood, Kevin Smith, James Griffett, Michael George, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 6:44
Symphoniae sacrae I, Op. 6 no. Michael George, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 7:46
Geistliche chormusik, Op. 11 n Paul Esswood, Kevin Smith, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 5:18
Cantiones sacrae, Op. 4 no. 13 Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 4:43
Symphoniae sacrae II, Op. 10 n Ian Partridge, Restoration Academy, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 5:32
Geistliche chormusik, Op. 11 n Kevin Smith, James Griffett, Michael George, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 3:14
Symphoniae sacrae I, Op. 6 no. Ian Partridge, Michael George, Restoration Academy, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 4:38
Kleine Geistliche Konzerte II, Kevin Smith, Paul Elliott, Brian Etheridge, Michael George, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 4:40
Geistliche chormusik, Op. 11 n English Consort of Viols, Pro Cantione Antiqua, Edgar Fleet, Paul Esswood & James Griffett 4:14
Symphoniae sacrae I, Op. 6 no. Paul Esswood, Restoration Academy, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 5:24
Geistliche chormusik, Op. 11 n Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 4:28
Geistliche chormusik, Op. 11 n Paul Esswood, James Bowman, English Consort of Viols, Pro Cantione Antiqua & Edgar Fleet 4:37