Titel | Kuenstler | Laenge | ||
1 | Faint Echoes Ran Round the Uns | Kobi | 5:39 | |
2 | Coined and Put Into Circulatio | Kobi | 5:42 | |
3 | Yellow Scales Slid Across Oily | Kobi | 8:24 | |
4 | Interspersed With Semi-Conscio | Kobi | 10:41 | |
5 | Anchored to a Central Core of | Kobi | 2:59 | |
6 | The Evening Was Unusually Sult | Kobi | 7:12 | |
7 | This Inclusion Is Not a Simple | Kobi | 3:22 | |
8 | The Existence of Another Goal | Kobi | 3:09 | |
9 | Such Variations Will Be Encoun | Kobi | 3:17 |