1 |
heªvy metª |
Mda & Gothband1t |
1:45 |
2 |
Noriª Anímicª |
Mda & 1adaaaan |
1:53 |
3 |
Llegªré Ayer |
Mda & Nightclub20xx |
2:22 |
4 |
We ªre the Universe |
Mda & 1adaaaan |
3:12 |
5 |
K4M1K4ZE + betrªyªl |
Mda & ambeats |
2:58 |
6 |
me evªde |
Mda, Diimalo & 1adaaaan |
2:46 |
7 |
Kate Mossh pit |
Mda & ambeats |
3:00 |
8 |
Mda & Gothband1t |
2:07 |
9 |
Club Bªbylon (Miªmi) (feat. |
Mda & Iamtommy |
3:15 |
10 |
Romªnce Mªsocª |
Mda & 1adaaaan |
2:34 |
11 |
megªconstelªciones |
Mda & Iamtommy |
2:57 |
12 |
20S 20K0S AÑ0S 20 |
Mda & Nightclub20xx |
2:08 |
13 |
destino oculto |
Mda, ambeats & 1adaaaan |
2:59 |
14 |
ubi vibes |
Mda & ambeats |
2:27 |
15 |
esmerªldª |
Mda & Iamtommy |
2:10 |
16 |
Cªr2go |
Mda & ambeats |
3:26 |
17 |
bªcteriªs |
Mda & Gothband1t |
3:34 |
18 |
Mda, ambeats & Pitilangboy |
3:07 |
19 |
frisbee bitch |
Mda, f001 & Gothband1t |
2:50 |
20 |
viªjerª de erªsmus |
Mda & CessaBit |
2:39 |
21 |
0.o + el grªn Gªtsby |
Mda, Yung Naik & The Lost Beat |
3:48 |
22 |
dirty Diªnª |
Mda & Jay Cas |
3:00 |
23 |
glªciªr |
Mda, Iamtommy & Royce Rolo |
2:38 |
24 |
unfoolish2k21 |
Mda & ambeats |
3:24 |