The World of Psalms - Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, The Choir of King's College, Cambridge & Westminster Abbey Choir

The World of Psalms

Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, The Choir of King's College, Cambridge & Westminster Abbey Choir

  • Genre: Klassik
  • Veroeffentlungs Datum: 1997-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Land: DEU
  • Lieder Zaehler: 18

  • This Compilation ℗ 1997 Decca Music Group Limited


Titel Kuenstler Laenge
Psalm 143 "Hear My Prayer, O L The Choir of King's College, Cambridge & Sir David Willcocks 3:38
Psalm 84: How Lovely Are Thy D Westminster Abbey Choir, William McKie & Simon Preston 3:36
Psalm 24, '(The) Earth Is the Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & Jonathan Bielby 2:35
Psalm 47 'O Clap Your Hands,' Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & Jonathan Bielby 1:59
Psalm 108 'O God My Heart Is R Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & Jonathan Bielby 3:00
Psalm 139, ' O Lord, Thou Hast Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 6:47
Psalm 49 'O Hear Ye This, All Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 6:20
Psalm 67 ' God Be Merciful Unt Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 2:31
Psalm 39 ' I Said I Will Take Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, John Scott & George Guest 5:08
Psalm 96, "O Sing Unto the Lor Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 3:54
Psalm 130: 'Out of the Deep Ha Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 2:50
Psalm 150, "O Praise God in Hi Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, John Scott & George Guest 2:06
Psalm 121: I Will Lift Up Mine Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 2:44
Psalm 42: 'Like As the Hart,' Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 5:08
Psalm 23: 'The Lord Is My Shep Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, John Scott & George Guest 2:51
Psalm 90: 'Lord Thou Hast Been Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 5:32
Psalm 69: ' Let God Arise,' An Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, John Scott & George Guest 8:37
Psalm 98: 'The Lord Is King, t Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, George Guest & John Scott 3:01

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